Journal Track

Authors are encouraged to submit applications for Journal Track talks. The application must be about a journal paper that has been published already, in the March 2021 – March 2022 period, on a topic relevant to ICDL. All submissions must be made by email before April 1st 2022; the email should be sent to, with subject “[Journal Track] FirstAuthorName FirstAuthorSurname – Title of Original Paper” (e.g. [Journal Track] James Green – How to Make the World a Better Place), and with a single PDF attached that contains the following information: Title of the original paper. Abstract of the original paper. A complete reference to the original paper in APA format. URL where the paper can be shown to be formally published by the publisher (even if early access). URL where the paper with its final camera-ready contents can be freely download for the evalution process. A brief description (no more than half-page) to explain why the authors believe that the paper is relevant to ICDL. The ICDL committee will select a limited number of applications through an expedite evaluation process that will consider the quality of the journal paper and the relevance to ICDL. The authors of the selected applications will be invited to present their work (oral presentation) during a dedicated session at the conference.